Mkultra and monarch  Mind programming at Children and Populations by utmost evil people

This goes with torture drugs addictionmakings rape violence abuse academic techniques and the latest of knowledge of schience

These are specific and pure psychopathworks


The Gamma programming is the secret layering in of demons. However one wants to describe these demons--the victim has to deal with their "reality". The ceremonies to demonize the victim occur even before they are born. Generational spirits are very important to determine how the Programmers program a person. But this 10th science goes way beyond just demonology, because it deals with the fundamental issues that effect our views of God, our fellowship with Almighty God, and our view of the occult sciences of astral projection, ESP, telepathy, etc. 

In the course of deprogramming Monarchs, and rubbing shoulders with programmers, it became clear that the programmers of the Monarch program are fully aware of the spiritual principles which are in operation for everyone. In 1930, a leader of one of the groups which today carries out trauma-based mind-control, wrote that the occult masters are not interested in uplifting the souls of men, but that "These Masters. .. have in reality no interest in soul or astral development, except as a means of forming passive Illuminized tools, completely controlled in mind and actions." 
The Monarch victims of today are the tail end of centuries of efforts by the Kaballists, Freemasons, and the Illuminati adepts to completely control other human beings. The following quote comes from a communist manual on how to brainwash a nation. It could just have well been written by Monarch Mind-Control Programmers.  "The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of Man, himself. Nations which have high ethical tone are difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be violated by duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame of mind. It is the basic purpose of [mind-control] to reduce that state of mind to a point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target is Man, himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalistic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of ‘spiritual endurance,’ or nobility... " As it seems in foreign nations that the church is the most ennobling influence, each and every branch and activity of each and every church, must, one way, or another, be discredited. Religion must become unfashionable by demonstrating broadly, through pyschopolitical indoctrination, that the soul is non-existent, and that Man is an animal."
Later this chapter will describe how a person is dehumanized. One spiritual principle is that if you can get a person angry at God, you can get that person to commit any sin. Great effort is taken, via staged events to make the victim being programmed certain that God has rejected them. For instance, some victims had someone play God and walk away from them when they needed help in a life & death situation.
The 1980 Hollywood movie Altered States, which is about a university professor in the 1960s who experiments with mind-altering drugs and sensory deprivation tanks, shows some scenes where God turns into a goat. Some of the religious scenes in this movie, match some of the anti-God/religious programming of some Monarch slaves.  The Monarch slaves are repeatedly warned that God is cruel and judgmental, and that He wants to destroy them for the wicked things they have done. Bible verses that tell of the wrath of God & God’s anger are read to the victim.  An example of how the slave is programmed to hate God will now be given. 
A hypnotic drug will be given the victim when they are about 6 years of age. This will relax the person and allow the programmers to take the child into the deepest trance, so that the programming will be sure to enter into the very fiber of the child’s being. After several hours of being in a deep trance, as the drug begins to wear off, the child will be strapped very secure into a tight fitting coffin. A man with long white hair, and a long robe, with sandals, staff and a white robe will present himself before the child, and announce that he is "God the great I AM". Then "God" will look in a big book and announce he cannot find the person’s name so he will have to send the person to hell for being bad. The coffin will then be lowered into a deep pit---like a mine shaft, and the victim will be told that when they can no longer hear God’s voice that they will be a cat and not human. God can’t find them in the book because they have no soul, and are a cat. Deeper and deeper the child is lowered. They are told this is the penalty for having tried to pray to God.
The programmers make sure that the slave is implicated in many gross sins, such as the murder of innocent children, in order to insure that the person is sure that God hates them. Then the victim is told that God is a consuming wrath who hates them. The injustice of God creating a world of suffering is also taught to the slave. All this is to insure that the victim hates God. That hatred toward God will express itself in the victim’s system’s willingness to do any sin, without conscience. 

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