About ALL jewish AND ISLAMIC religions what ONLY ARE CHILD RAPER HATE MONGER AND RACIAL WAR religions of the Ancient faraos and herods under jewish mafia elite or bankercontrol and the Consequenses.Islamic religion does the same crimes to subdue Children and People to their madness called religion.
The makers of Bethlehems Where the Children Live out of Fear under Their Beds And the killers of Life Happiness and Christ created by elite monarchtecniques where monarch not only is a butterfly but a also ruler.
The makers of Bethlehems Where the Children Live out of Fear under Their Beds And the killers of Life Happiness and Christ created by elite monarchtecniques where monarch not only is a butterfly but a also ruler.
Please Do believe Me When I State the in above Mentioned torturetools ARE COMMON USE among jewish rabbis to break the Spirits of Children AND BABIES to make Them servants of herodus. Jewish AND ISLAMIC RABBIS do collaborate on this and do their UTMOST EVIL works mostly at schools schooltrips and campweeks at organisations like Kindergartens and Elementaries disguised as teachers directors personel and in churches at hospitals in Fact anywhere they can. Also drugs Brainwashes are involved to submisse as much as possible Children of ALL Races to their views of existance and command with above these rabbis the banking and jewish elitelords who make money power and profit of it and create on the other hand again these rabbis by the same ways and techniques like mkultra and monarch both academic ways to destroy Nations and Children.
EVERY WHERE rabbis have been drugs like heroin ghb lsd scopolamie strychnine reproductioninhibitors (Genocide) Muscletraumainducors(ALS and such) chemicals farmaceutics can be Found in Children Aged from ZERO and up.Rape and torturemarks and scars also will be Found then like scars on the Servixes in the openings and burnwounds from solderingirons. Broken Extremities like Fingers and Tohs Ribs and Fractures. Bathtubs to drown Children in and reanimate Them to make Them humble little slaves and obedient humble whores and devote worshippers and instant Stockholmvictims.
# ALSO in Cases OF LICE break ous at schools > THESE ARE SiGNS of mass abuse by jews. Lice are an sexually transmitted affection and very hard to infect by just playing or being in the same room.So pubic lice ARE THE SAME as Head lice.In Those Cases Look for More Signs drugs and Traces and IF They MABY were only just on a schooltrip or campweek.Or had to stay behind after school.
#Also Imagine ... Lice when occur go slow from One Head to the Other and Multiply over larger and larger groups AND NOT ALL AT ONCE AT THE SAME TIME?
# ALSO in Cases OF LICE break ous at schools > THESE ARE SiGNS of mass abuse by jews. Lice are an sexually transmitted affection and very hard to infect by just playing or being in the same room.So pubic lice ARE THE SAME as Head lice.In Those Cases Look for More Signs drugs and Traces and IF They MABY were only just on a schooltrip or campweek.Or had to stay behind after school.
#Also Imagine ... Lice when occur go slow from One Head to the Other and Multiply over larger and larger groups AND NOT ALL AT ONCE AT THE SAME TIME?
Also BE AWARE for jewish directors and teachers at schools from Kindergartens up to academia MALE AND FEMALE who usually ARE involves ALSO in These Crimes at rabbilevels.Here ALSO usually those drugs and Signs CAN BE Found then.
Above are some Examples
If More Information about the Global Occuring Problem And Danger FOR ALL NATIONS AND ALL CHILDREN that these rabbis jewish AND islamic ARE then just youtube or google " rabbi abuse " or the like for an abundance of their existance and the wealth of Suffering and Evil they represent.
Searching for rabbis Related to drugs Child and sex abuse trafficings hateseedings and creating Dalse antisemitisms and racial hate and Organtheftis also a major rabbi related issue. They simply are weapons of war and crime.
Also as utmost EVIL Problem MOST Nations do Subsidise these pieces of evil very abundantly !! And usually more then own or native religions because of mostly jewish collaborators and co abusers in governements state and law justice and schoolsystems.
Only one Example of what they practised in every City Nation school and Village and the protection they get from jewcollaborators in laws politics media governments AND THAT global if for instance One Can Remember how it went with polanski. It is a wonder they do NOT live in pedofilevillages.
Some More Info in Dutch Language about Local Cases.
See Below THAT list of some players of the international and global totalitarian conspiracy behind Fake faces of laws democracies global media schoolsystems historyfalsifications religionfalsifications blamefalsifications victimfalsifications academics cultures politics writings parties religions finances WWFfunds nobilities societies and manipulating and commanding from behind and by abusing these AND US ... slaves for SÒÒO many centuries!
See Below THAT list of some players of the international and global totalitarian conspiracy behind Fake faces of laws democracies global media schoolsystems historyfalsifications religionfalsifications blamefalsifications victimfalsifications academics cultures politics writings parties religions finances WWFfunds nobilities societies and manipulating and commanding from behind and by abusing these AND US ... slaves for SÒÒO many centuries!
Door: lulula52, 27 jan 2012 09:07
"een conflict moét
Dat is de Mensen van Hun Ware Wezen af houden.
GOD Had een Wereld Zonder duivel Geschapen en door anomalien werd deze
echter geboren in dat Wat als Ego en superego Ontdekt is-kunstmatige aan
heersers onderdanig gebroken Persoonlijkheden óp Ongeborenen Pás
Geborenen en Kleuterleeftijden overdragen.
Om deze afwijkingen in stand
te houden zijn die voortdurende verkrachtingen en geweld en haatzaai
campagnes.Dé Homofielen en Pedofielen vervolgingen houden de mensheid in
Kijkt U maar eens Goéd Naar rabijnen en bij de meeste
Ziet Men de Jonge in trauma bevroren Hulpeloze Ziel er Zó aan .
Heeft U Nooit Geobserveerd dat als er elke week een Pedofielenzoektocht
van uit justitie media djs geblazen werd de Ouders en Omas de Kinderen
van Zich af douwden?
Dát U mischien de Ouders bij de supermarkt méér
tegen Hun Kindtjes Hoorde schreeuwen?
Dat is om Ons uit een te houden - verdeel en heers pur sang in
machiavelliaanse machtswellust Pér Ombewuste dwanghandelingen van een
in een pyramidesysteem en statussen verpakte faraokaste van millenia nog
steeds de zelfde bloedlijnen.
Kunnen Zelfs Die Kasten Niéts aan Doen
daar Liefde en Het Licht van het Leven TABOE wás vele millenia lang.
Liefde en het Licht van Ons Leven Behoort Namelijk Bij Vrije Mensen Die
Met GOD Gaan.Dat was zó ver dat ze Onze Liefde en GOD de duivel noemden
én Het Licht van Ons Leven cheol oftewwél de dood. Alle schepping was
bij hen omgekeerd en verdwaald. Goed was kwaad en kwaad was goed.
Ook deze rabijnen Kunnen er Niets aan Doen Helaas te meer om dat ze door
die elitekasten met monarchtechnieken opgekweekt en gevormd werden
alsmede meeste politici ook. Die elite bleef in stand door
erfoverdrachten in streng geisoleerde incestvoortplantingen en extreem
agressief rascisme en eenkennigheid.
Het Licht van Ons Leven Heeft U Mischien Wél Eens Ván Vernomen in Zake
Bijna Dood Ervaringen en Wát er Van gezegd Werd? Een lange tunnel van de
duisternissen van traumas en complexen in Onze Zielen en Licht aan het
GOD Schiep GEEN kwaad en Òók GEEN duivel.
De Mensheid in behept
met een slinkende zondvloed van traumas en complexen uit rampen haat en
geweld ontstaan en was elke generatie cumulerende zonder Redding vele
millenia lang.
Ook Vader Abraham Was 8000 Jaar Geleden al Slachtoffer van die
cultuurgewoonten en ze stenigden Zijn Geliefde om dat Ze elkaar Lief
Hebben. Hij dwong zijn Zonen Zijn Dochtertje te verkrachten ... De Pure
Liefde Die Ze Bood En Haar Levenslicht weg te verkrachten ... Een Òok
Voor hedendaagse Begrippen Wonder Van Schoonheid Gratie en Pure Luister
uit GOD´s Hand... daar mee dán ten minste Géén stenen meer vlogen en de
Zo verborgen We Ons Ware Wezen dan om niets maar konden niet
anders. Niemand Wist de Uitweg!
Weder Op Staan en Helen Wil Ook Zeggen
Dat er Vergeving Mogelijk is Ook vanwege dát er Geen Vrijheid meer in de
Mensen was Ook niet in de hoogst geplaatsten. Maar Òók Moet Het Gestopt
Worden Dát NÒG Èérder om Dát het erger dan de pest is en gruwelijker
gevolgen voor de Mensheid en Alle Leven en de Planeet dan wélk atoom
arsenaal wát maar een van de symptoompjes er van is!
Door: lulula52, 27 jan 2012 08:31
"stelt héél duidelijk
dat een homo die joods is, een conflict moét voelen."
Dat Klopt Wat U Daar Zegt! Zuidelijke Rassen en Wij Ook al wat eeuwen al
werden gedwongen op straffe van Familie vóór Ogen te moeten Zien
Verbranden Onze Kinderen te verkrachten om Ze te breken voor de lords en
Bethlehem anno NU in ELKE Stad Dorp Huis en Wiegje.Die
Terreur duurde zelfs officieel "bij wet bij kerk bij gezag"" tot en mét
1920.Anders kwamen ze wel even vóórdoen hoé het nog eens veel erger
moest.Sinds 1920 ging dat onderhuids via snel "als récht" verplichte
Daar hebben ze hun professionele Kinder verkrachters dan
als leraressen leraren directeuren geplant en op de jaarlijkse
schoolreisjes het echte werk met drogeringen martelingen drugs brain
washes en 24/7/7 serieverkrachtingen.
Dé Pedofielenvervolgingen dé Homofielenvervolgingen zijn een volkontinue
voortzetting er van en er bij naast deze instandhoudende rabijnen
Wereld wijd om Volken te blijven knechten incluis het eigen aan de wil
van enkelen.
Dat is mee gewaaid toe de faraos Afrika om EXACT het zelfde
werden uit geflikkerd en ze 2800 jaar geleden hier heen kwamen om
defintief te blijven.
Hun werken hebben de Schepping en hen zelf
vernietigd maar daar voor zou U enkele millenia en Weten HOE VEEL Erger
het voorheen was Moeten Kennen om te Beseffen Wat Ik Zeg!Uit deze
Monsteriousiteit van vergaan is de Mensheid al 3000 Jaar aan het Op
Staan en
Door: lulula52, 27 jan 2012 08:16
@Theo het zou zelfs
fatsoenlijk en Menselijk Zijn als Politie u Eerst dan even Komt Vragen
over wáár óm u dan Mijn Bijdragen zó graag van het Net wil hebben! Een
zwembadpedo lijkt Mij zo al er in te zitten en indien onmetelijk veel
verwoestender een rabijn.Te Hopen dan dat u Máár een zwembadpedo of een
Sietze bent.
Door: lulula52, 27 jan 2012 08:11
@Theo Zo als ik al zei
..gaat u eerst even iets googlen vóór u dePers oproept aan raciaal
Criminele Terrorismen mee te doen door ze moderatie en verwijdering
Bekendmakingen Strafrechtelijke Feiten Wat Strafrechtelijk Verplichte
Handelingen Zijn af te persen.Dáát Náást geeft uw usernaam aan dat u
wellicht uit dat subsidiekamp komt en zou u wát tendentious voor
ingenomen maken.
Door: lulula52, 27 jan 2012 08:08
@Theo Zo als ik al zei
..gaat u eerst even iets googlen vóór u dePers oproept aan raciaal
Criminele Terrorismen mee te doen door ze moderatie en verwijdering
Bekendmakingen Strafrechtelijke Feiten Wat Strafrechtelijk Verplichte
Handelingen Zijn af te persen.Dáát Náást geeft uw usernaam aan dat u
wellicht uit dat subsideikamp komt en zou u wát tendentious maken.
Door: Theodorus, 27 jan 2012 07:53
Lulula, ga weg van de
verouderde computer van je reintegratieconsulent en ga weer verder een
baan zoeken. Anders gaat er een melding naar de soos en wordt je gekort!
En nu schoffelen!
Door: Theodorus, 27 jan 2012 07:52
lulula52 schreef:
Door: lulula52, 27 jan 2012 07:17
rabbi+subsidiefraudeur en rabbi+kinder prostitution en rabbi
+ghettokweker en rabbi+wijkterrorismen en rabbi+brainwash en rabijn
evers+ghettokweken+tristan van der vlis+kinderprostituties+heroinehandel+activismen+terrorismen+miljoenensubsidiefraudes
Kon Ook Wél Eens Wat Leveren!
Doctor mengeles en de joodse maffenjá in religious disquise!
Door: lulula52, 27 jan 2012 07:13
rabbi+subsidiefraudeur en rabbi+kinder prostitution en rabbi
+ghettokweker en rabbi+wijkterrorismen en rabbi+brainwash en rabijn
evers+ghettokweken+tristan van der vlis+kinderprostituties+heroinehandel+activismen+terrorismen+miljoenensubsidiefraudes
Kon Ook Wél Eens Wat Leveren!
Doctor mengeles en de joodse maffenjá in religious disquise!
Door: jnogeenkeer, 27 jan 2012 07:01
Noot rabbi+organ robbery rabbi+ drugs rabbi+heroin rabbi+murder rabbi+killing Zal het Ook Wel Doen!
Door: jnogeenkeer, 27 jan 2012 07:00
Google Eens rabbi+abuse.Zeker in Therapie Ná Langs het gevang te Moeten en Executies.http://tinyurl.com/7nwtuwr
- http://www.depers.nl/binnenland/625338/Opperrabbijn-Ralbag-bedreigd.html
- http://www.depers.nl/binnenland/625412/Schorsing-op-grens-van-fascisme.html
- http://www.depers.nl/cultuur/624529/Column-Homos.html
- http://www.depers.nl/wetenschap/624752/Column-De-homo-is-anders-dan-anders.html
- http://www.depers.nl/binnenland/624291/Opperrabbijn-Ralbag-van-taken-ontheven.html
- http://www.depers.nl/binnenland/624230/CIDI-eist-vertrek-opperrabijn-Adam.html
- http://www.depers.nl/binnenland/624123/Scherper-toezicht-homotherapie.html
A List about some of the Estimated 7000 elitefamilies that ruin ...oeps rule the World and All Nations from behind Facades power politics and secrecy.The 13 and More elite or Better mafia Bloodlines are not even Included Here.See for that Frits Springmeier and the Many Other Works Among Others on Youtube Abundantly Present.
Conspiracy from above
Committee of 300
Abdullah II of Jordan
Abramovich, Roman Arkadyevich
Ackermann, Josef
Adeane, Edward
Agius, Marcus Ambrose Paul
Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva Kalevi
Akerson, Daniel
Albert II of Belgium
Alexander - Crown Prince of Yugoslavia
Alexandra (Princess) - The Honourable Lady Ogilvy
Alphonse, Louis - Duke of Anjou
Amato, Giuliano
Anderson, Carl A.
Andreotti, Giulio
Andrew (Prince) - Duke of York
Anne - Princess Royal
Anstee, Nick
Ash, Timothy Garton
Astor, William Waldorf - 4th Viscount Astor
August, Ernst - Prince of Hanover
Aven, Pyotr
Balkenende, Jan Peter
Ballmer, Steve
Balls, Ed
Barroso, José Manuel
Beatrix (Queen)
Belka, Marek
Bergsten, C. Fred
Berlusconi, Silvio
Bernake, Ben
Bernhard (Prince) of Lippe-Biesterfeld
Bernstein, Nils
Berwick, Donald
Bildt, Carl
Bischoff, Sir Winfried Franz Wilhen "Win"
Blair, Tony
Blankfein, Lloyd
Blavatnik, Leonard
Bloomberg, Michael
Bolkestein, Frits
Bolkiah, Hassanal
Bonello, Michael C
Bonino, Emma
Boren, David L.
Borwin - Duke of Mecklenburg
Bronfman, Charles Rosner
Bronfman, Edgar Jr.
Bruton, John
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Budenberg, Robin
Buffet, Warren
Bush, George HW
Cameron, David William Donald
Camilla - Duchess of Cornwall
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
Carington, Peter - 6th Baron Carrington
Carlos - Duke of Parma
Carlos, Juan - King of Spain
Carney, Mark J.
Carroll, Cynthia
Caruana, Jaime
Castell, Sir William
Chan, Anson
Chan, Margaret
Chan, Norman
Charles - Prince of Wales
Chartres, Richard
Chiaie, Stefano Delle
Chipman, Dr John
Chodiev, Patokh
Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein
Cicchitto, Fabrizio
Clark, Wesley Kanne Sr. (General)
Clarke, Kenneth
Clegg, Nick
Clinton, Bill
Cohen, Abby Joseph
Cohen, Ronald
Cohn, Gary D.
Colonna, Marcantonio (di Paliano) - Prince and Duke of Paliano
Constantijn (Prince) of the Netherlands
Constantine II Greece
Cooksey, David
Cowen, Brian
Craven, Sir John
Crockett, Andrew
Dadush, Uri
D'Aloisio, Tony
Darling, Alistair
Davies, Sir Howard
Davignon, Étienne
Davis, David
De Rothschild, Benjamin
De Rothschild, David René James
De Rothschild, Evelyn Robert
De Rothschild, Leopold David
Deiss, Joseph
Deripaska, Oleg
Dobson, Michael
Draghi, Mario
Du Plessis, Jan
Dudley, William C.
Duisenberg, Wim
Edward (Prince) - Duke of Kent
Edward (The Prince) - Earl of Wessex
Elkann, John
Emanuele, Vittorio - Prince of Naples, Crown Prince of Italy
Fabrizio (Prince) - Massimo-Brancaccio
Feldstein, Martin Stuart "Marty"
Festing, Matthew
Fillon, François
Fischer, Heinz
Fischer, Joseph Martin
Fischer, Stanley
FitzGerald, Niall
Franz, Duke of Bavaria
Fridman, Mikhail
Friedrich, Georg - Prince of Prussia
Friso (Prince) of Orange-Nassau
Gates, Bill
Geidt, Christopher
Geithner, Timothy
Gibson-Smith, Dr Chris
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Gotlieb, Allan
Green, Stephen
Greenspan, Alan
Grosvenor, Gerald - 6th Duke of Westminster
Gurría, José Ángel
Gustaf, Carl XVI of Sweden
Hague, William
Hampton, Sir Philip Roy
Hans-Adam II - Prince of Liechtenstein
Harald V Norway
Harper, Stephen
Heisbourg, François
Henri - Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Hildebrand, Philipp
Hills, Carla Anderson
Holbrooke, Richard
Honohan, Patrick
Howard, Alan
Ibragimov, Alijan
Ingves, Stefan Nils Magnus
Isaacson, Walter
Jacobs, Kenneth M.
Julius, DeAnne
Juncker, Jean-Claude
Kenen, Peter
Kerry, John Forbes
King, Mervyn
Kinnock, Glenys
Kissinger, Henry
Knight, Malcolm
Koon, William H. II
Krugman, Paul
Kufuor, John
Lajolo, Giovanni
Lake, Anthony
Lambert, Richard
Lamy, Pascal
Landau, Jean-Pierre
Laurence, Timothy James Hamilton
Leigh-Pemberton, James
Leka, Crown Prince of Albania
Leonard, Mark
Levene, Peter - Baron Levene of Portsoken
Leviev, Lev
Levitt, Arthur
Levy, Michael - Baron Levy
Lieberman, Joe
Livingston, Ian
Loong, Lee Hsien
Lorenz (Prince) of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este
Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard
Mabel (Princess) of Orange-Nassau
Mandelson, Peter Benjamin
Manning, Sir David Geoffrey
Margherita - Archduchess of Austria-Este
Margrethe II Denmark
Martínez, Guillermo Ortiz
Mashkevitch, Alexander
Massimo, Stefano (Prince) - Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci
McDonough, William Joseph
McLarty, Mack
Mersch, Yves
Michael (Prince) of Kent
Michael of Romania
Miliband, David
Miliband, Ed
Mittal, Lakshmi
Moreno, Glen
Moritz - Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
Murdoch, Rupert
Napoléon, Charles
Nasser, Jacques
Niblett, Robin
Nichols, Vincent
Nicolás, Adolfo
Noyer, Christian
Ofer, Sammy
Ogilvy, David - 13th Earl of Airlie
Ollila, Jorma Jaakko
Oppenheimer, Nicky
Osborne, George
Oudea, Frederic
Parker, Sir John
Patten, Chris
Pébereau, Michel
Penny, Gareth
Peres, Shimon
Philip (Prince) - Duke of Edinburgh
Pio, Dom Duarte - Duke of Braganza
Pöhl, Karl Otto
Powell, Colin
Prokhorov, Mikhail
Quaden, Guy Baron
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)
Reuben, David
Reuben, Simon
Rhodes, William R. "Bill"
Rice, Susan
Richard (Prince) - Duke of Gloucester
Rifkind, Sir Malcolm Leslie
Ritblat, Sir John
Roach, Stephen S.
Robinson, Mary
Rockefeller, David Jr.
Rockefeller, David Sr.
Rockefeller, Nicholas
Rodríguez, Javier Echevarría
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul "Ken"
Roth, Jean-Pierre
Rothschild, Jacob - 4th Baron Rothschild
Rubenstein, David
Rubin, Robert
Ruspoli, Francesco - 10th Prince of Cerveteri
Safra, Joseph
Safra, Moises
Sands, Peter A.
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Sassoon, Isaac S.D.
Sassoon, James Meyer - Baron Sassoon
Sawers, Sir Robert John
Scardino, Marjorie
Schwab, Klaus
Schwarzenberg, Karel
Schwarzman, Stephen A.
Shapiro, Sidney
Sheinwald, Nigel
Sigismund (Archduke) - Grand Duke of Tuscany
Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Snowe, Olympia
Sofía (Queen) of Spain
Soros, George
Specter, Arlen
Stern, Ernest
Stevenson, Dennis - Baron Stevenson of Coddenham
Steyer, Tom
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Straw, Jack
Sutherland, Peter
Tanner, Mary
Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti
Thompson, Mark
Thomson, Dr. James A.
Tietmeyer, Hans
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Tucker, Paul
Van Rompuy, Herman
Vélez, Álvaro Uribe
Verplaetse, Alfons Vicomte
Villiger, Kaspar
Vladimirovna, Maria - Grand Duchess of Russia
Volcker, Paul
Von Habsburg, Otto
Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin
Walker, Sir David Alan
Wallenberg, Jacob
Walsh, John
Warburg, Max
Weber, Axel Alfred
Weill, Michael David
Wellink, Nout
Whitman, Marina von Neumann
Willem-Alexander - Prince of Orange
William (Prince) of Wales
Williams, Dr Rowan
Williams, Shirley - Baroness Williams of Crosby
Wilson, David - Baron Wilson of Tillyorn
Wolfensohn, James David
Wolin, Neal S.
Woolf, Harry - Baron Woolf
Woolsey, R. James Jr.
Worcester, Sir Robert Milton
Wu, Sarah
Zoellick, Robert Bruce
Committee of 300
Abdullah II of Jordan
Abramovich, Roman Arkadyevich
Ackermann, Josef
Adeane, Edward
Agius, Marcus Ambrose Paul
Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva Kalevi
Akerson, Daniel
Albert II of Belgium
Alexander - Crown Prince of Yugoslavia
Alexandra (Princess) - The Honourable Lady Ogilvy
Alphonse, Louis - Duke of Anjou
Amato, Giuliano
Anderson, Carl A.
Andreotti, Giulio
Andrew (Prince) - Duke of York
Anne - Princess Royal
Anstee, Nick
Ash, Timothy Garton
Astor, William Waldorf - 4th Viscount Astor
August, Ernst - Prince of Hanover
Aven, Pyotr
Balkenende, Jan Peter
Ballmer, Steve
Balls, Ed
Barroso, José Manuel
Beatrix (Queen)
Belka, Marek
Bergsten, C. Fred
Berlusconi, Silvio
Bernake, Ben
Bernhard (Prince) of Lippe-Biesterfeld
Bernstein, Nils
Berwick, Donald
Bildt, Carl
Bischoff, Sir Winfried Franz Wilhen "Win"
Blair, Tony
Blankfein, Lloyd
Blavatnik, Leonard
Bloomberg, Michael
Bolkestein, Frits
Bolkiah, Hassanal
Bonello, Michael C
Bonino, Emma
Boren, David L.
Borwin - Duke of Mecklenburg
Bronfman, Charles Rosner
Bronfman, Edgar Jr.
Bruton, John
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Budenberg, Robin
Buffet, Warren
Bush, George HW
Cameron, David William Donald
Camilla - Duchess of Cornwall
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
Carington, Peter - 6th Baron Carrington
Carlos - Duke of Parma
Carlos, Juan - King of Spain
Carney, Mark J.
Carroll, Cynthia
Caruana, Jaime
Castell, Sir William
Chan, Anson
Chan, Margaret
Chan, Norman
Charles - Prince of Wales
Chartres, Richard
Chiaie, Stefano Delle
Chipman, Dr John
Chodiev, Patokh
Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein
Cicchitto, Fabrizio
Clark, Wesley Kanne Sr. (General)
Clarke, Kenneth
Clegg, Nick
Clinton, Bill
Cohen, Abby Joseph
Cohen, Ronald
Cohn, Gary D.
Colonna, Marcantonio (di Paliano) - Prince and Duke of Paliano
Constantijn (Prince) of the Netherlands
Constantine II Greece
Cooksey, David
Cowen, Brian
Craven, Sir John
Crockett, Andrew
Dadush, Uri
D'Aloisio, Tony
Darling, Alistair
Davies, Sir Howard
Davignon, Étienne
Davis, David
De Rothschild, Benjamin
De Rothschild, David René James
De Rothschild, Evelyn Robert
De Rothschild, Leopold David
Deiss, Joseph
Deripaska, Oleg
Dobson, Michael
Draghi, Mario
Du Plessis, Jan
Dudley, William C.
Duisenberg, Wim
Edward (Prince) - Duke of Kent
Edward (The Prince) - Earl of Wessex
Elkann, John
Emanuele, Vittorio - Prince of Naples, Crown Prince of Italy
Fabrizio (Prince) - Massimo-Brancaccio
Feldstein, Martin Stuart "Marty"
Festing, Matthew
Fillon, François
Fischer, Heinz
Fischer, Joseph Martin
Fischer, Stanley
FitzGerald, Niall
Franz, Duke of Bavaria
Fridman, Mikhail
Friedrich, Georg - Prince of Prussia
Friso (Prince) of Orange-Nassau
Gates, Bill
Geidt, Christopher
Geithner, Timothy
Gibson-Smith, Dr Chris
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Gotlieb, Allan
Green, Stephen
Greenspan, Alan
Grosvenor, Gerald - 6th Duke of Westminster
Gurría, José Ángel
Gustaf, Carl XVI of Sweden
Hague, William
Hampton, Sir Philip Roy
Hans-Adam II - Prince of Liechtenstein
Harald V Norway
Harper, Stephen
Heisbourg, François
Henri - Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Hildebrand, Philipp
Hills, Carla Anderson
Holbrooke, Richard
Honohan, Patrick
Howard, Alan
Ibragimov, Alijan
Ingves, Stefan Nils Magnus
Isaacson, Walter
Jacobs, Kenneth M.
Julius, DeAnne
Juncker, Jean-Claude
Kenen, Peter
Kerry, John Forbes
King, Mervyn
Kinnock, Glenys
Kissinger, Henry
Knight, Malcolm
Koon, William H. II
Krugman, Paul
Kufuor, John
Lajolo, Giovanni
Lake, Anthony
Lambert, Richard
Lamy, Pascal
Landau, Jean-Pierre
Laurence, Timothy James Hamilton
Leigh-Pemberton, James
Leka, Crown Prince of Albania
Leonard, Mark
Levene, Peter - Baron Levene of Portsoken
Leviev, Lev
Levitt, Arthur
Levy, Michael - Baron Levy
Lieberman, Joe
Livingston, Ian
Loong, Lee Hsien
Lorenz (Prince) of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este
Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard
Mabel (Princess) of Orange-Nassau
Mandelson, Peter Benjamin
Manning, Sir David Geoffrey
Margherita - Archduchess of Austria-Este
Margrethe II Denmark
Martínez, Guillermo Ortiz
Mashkevitch, Alexander
Massimo, Stefano (Prince) - Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci
McDonough, William Joseph
McLarty, Mack
Mersch, Yves
Michael (Prince) of Kent
Michael of Romania
Miliband, David
Miliband, Ed
Mittal, Lakshmi
Moreno, Glen
Moritz - Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
Murdoch, Rupert
Napoléon, Charles
Nasser, Jacques
Niblett, Robin
Nichols, Vincent
Nicolás, Adolfo
Noyer, Christian
Ofer, Sammy
Ogilvy, David - 13th Earl of Airlie
Ollila, Jorma Jaakko
Oppenheimer, Nicky
Osborne, George
Oudea, Frederic
Parker, Sir John
Patten, Chris
Pébereau, Michel
Penny, Gareth
Peres, Shimon
Philip (Prince) - Duke of Edinburgh
Pio, Dom Duarte - Duke of Braganza
Pöhl, Karl Otto
Powell, Colin
Prokhorov, Mikhail
Quaden, Guy Baron
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)
Reuben, David
Reuben, Simon
Rhodes, William R. "Bill"
Rice, Susan
Richard (Prince) - Duke of Gloucester
Rifkind, Sir Malcolm Leslie
Ritblat, Sir John
Roach, Stephen S.
Robinson, Mary
Rockefeller, David Jr.
Rockefeller, David Sr.
Rockefeller, Nicholas
Rodríguez, Javier Echevarría
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul "Ken"
Roth, Jean-Pierre
Rothschild, Jacob - 4th Baron Rothschild
Rubenstein, David
Rubin, Robert
Ruspoli, Francesco - 10th Prince of Cerveteri
Safra, Joseph
Safra, Moises
Sands, Peter A.
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Sassoon, Isaac S.D.
Sassoon, James Meyer - Baron Sassoon
Sawers, Sir Robert John
Scardino, Marjorie
Schwab, Klaus
Schwarzenberg, Karel
Schwarzman, Stephen A.
Shapiro, Sidney
Sheinwald, Nigel
Sigismund (Archduke) - Grand Duke of Tuscany
Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Snowe, Olympia
Sofía (Queen) of Spain
Soros, George
Specter, Arlen
Stern, Ernest
Stevenson, Dennis - Baron Stevenson of Coddenham
Steyer, Tom
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Straw, Jack
Sutherland, Peter
Tanner, Mary
Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti
Thompson, Mark
Thomson, Dr. James A.
Tietmeyer, Hans
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Tucker, Paul
Van Rompuy, Herman
Vélez, Álvaro Uribe
Verplaetse, Alfons Vicomte
Villiger, Kaspar
Vladimirovna, Maria - Grand Duchess of Russia
Volcker, Paul
Von Habsburg, Otto
Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin
Walker, Sir David Alan
Wallenberg, Jacob
Walsh, John
Warburg, Max
Weber, Axel Alfred
Weill, Michael David
Wellink, Nout
Whitman, Marina von Neumann
Willem-Alexander - Prince of Orange
William (Prince) of Wales
Williams, Dr Rowan
Williams, Shirley - Baroness Williams of Crosby
Wilson, David - Baron Wilson of Tillyorn
Wolfensohn, James David
Wolin, Neal S.
Woolf, Harry - Baron Woolf
Woolsey, R. James Jr.
Worcester, Sir Robert Milton
Wu, Sarah
Zoellick, Robert Bruce
I am Missinga lot of names in the above like lubbers aka loeb like kuhn aka cohen like mario draghi like strauss kahn etc etc. LIKE THE FEMALE familynames as these elite asians aka jews DO multiply BY THE NAME OF THE MOTHER BLOODLINES AND SECRET ofspring on other Peoples Names.
Other Sourche http://www.whale.to/b/sp/blood.html#4_SELECTED_GRANTS_IN_1984_OF_THE_ROCKEFELLER_BRO._FUND
ALL of above do have their ofspring posses ALL upperclass and upperlayers of Societies like ALL of Science for them selfs ALL of social and Wellfare institutions ALL of helporganisations ALL of finance ALL of ALL political parties ALL of mayoroffices ALL of commands of Services ALL of police FBI and secret service ALL of television ALL of Newspapers ALL of Communications and SO on and SO on.Digesting ALL of OUR taxmoneys ALL of Our Possesions ALL of Our Freedoms and Lifes Health And Children.
@sabbathdei You ARE celebrating your OWN undoing!
Other ways they 24/7/7 creep and sneak into Our Lifes And Existance to keep Us slaves and enslaved and not ONLY by pushing and pressing Us into endless financial debts and Poorness and indoctrinations with explicit lies at schools and elementaries
Mindcontrol by media monarch and mkultra drugspreadings and Child abuse Connected als to the religions and rabbis of whom in Holland ALONE a Population of 16 Million 90.000 JEWISH AND 9000 DIRECTLY COLLABORATING ISLAMIC rabbi serial Child raping warmongers And Neighbourhoodterrorists are present and abundantly subsidised by jewish collaborators in state and politics.
About More See Frits Springmeier See realzionistnews.com See Jewwatch and Many More Like This at Infowars
ALSO Have a Look into the History of slavetradings.
WHITES NEVER WERE the holocausters AS JEWS claim BUT them selfes they were.
AND SO ON and So On!
They own and have all media and communications We NOT So they tell Us Lies adn Deceit like if You Go Search IN ALL Newspaperachives IN ALL THE WORLD For German atrocities OR holocaustclaims YOU WILL NOT FIND ONE.AND ALL German Warfare Administration 50.000.000 Pieces of Paper and Documents 3000 Metric Tons ALSO TELLS NOT ONE gassed jew Exists AND NOT ONE atrocity as they claimed Exists. NOT ÒNE Autopsy report about ANY Person in German War imprisonment EXISTS that CAN TELL about a possible gassing.
Rabbis are a part and spill in keeping these Lies of cosmic dimensions alife by poisoning as much as possible Children at Kindergartens and elementaries Worldwide with these Lies and Crimes Hateseedings against all Races AND EVEN OWN FAMILIES AND RACE BUT them selfes.
And Some About Their Genocides Landconfiscations And robberies
by WWF funds Wild Parks And helporganisations