Vanwege steevast rascistisch geban van joodse media Hiér dan maar uit overmacht Mijn Bijdrage Èn Wáár Hét ÒM Gáát!

Òók het Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad (sinds 1865) IS Een Rascistisch Weekblad dat al meermalen nu ELKE Kritiek weigert te plaatsen.Niét Mét ze Dán Máár Òver ze is het Niét?

29 december 2011

De terugkeer van de De Rothschilds

Door Redactie

Ooit beschikten ze over het grootste privékapitaal ter wereld, dat in de 20ste eeuw verloren ging. Nu is de van oorsprong Duits- Joodse bankiersdynastie De Rothschild helemaal terug van weggeweest. Het antisemitisme dat de adellijke familie altijd heeft achtervolgd is dat eveneens.
Tekst: René Zwaap.
Na Virgin-miljardair Richard Branson, filmregisseur James Cameron, actrice Sigourney Weaver en popicoon Sting voegde zich recent nog een zwaargewicht bij het wereldwijde protest tegen de voorgenomen aanleg van de Belo Monte-stuwdam in het hart van het Braziliaanse regenwoud. Eco-avonturier David Mayer de Rothschild, met zijn 33 jaar de jongste erfgenaam van de illustere bankiersfamilie, trok afgelopen maand de Xingu-rivier op aan boord van zijn expeditieschip de Plastiki (een katamaran gebouwd van 12.500 plastic wegwerpflessen), naar de dieptes van het Braziliaanse Amazone- gebied. De multi-miljardair wilde zo de aandacht vestigen op de naar schatting 20.000 inheemse indianen die door de komst van de waterkrachtcentrale van hun grond dreigen te worden verdreven. De Rothschild (met zijn jezusbaard en haute couture de ultieme groene stijlicoon) is mordicus tegen de komst van het Braziliaanse superdamcomplex. Hij stelt dat de opkomende economische supermacht Brazilië zijn honger naar nieuwe energie makkelijk kan opvangen door zuiniger met de bestaande energievoorraden om te springen. Dat waterkracht op zich een ‘groene’ energiebron is, mag in zijn ogen niet als excuus gelden om 400 vierkante kilometer Braziliaans oerbos onder water te zetten.
„Brazilië kan veertien keer de hoeveelheid energie winnen die de Bello Monte-dam zou gaan produceren door andere gloeilampen te gaan gebruiken,” zo liet hij weten. De deelname van De Rothschild aan het protest tegen de Bello Monte-dam is niet onomstreden. Dat protest richt zich vooral tegen de Braziliaanse banken die geld willen steken in de komst van de superdam, zoals de Itaú-Unibanco. En laat die bank nu uitgerekend een geduchte concurrent zijn van het Rothschild-imperium in de strijd op de hegemonie op de Braziliaanse markt. Onlangs werd bekend dat de Itaú-Unibanco de De Rothschild-bank had weggedrukt als nummer één in Brazilië als het gaat om het begeleiden van grote overnames binnen het Braziliaanse bedrijfsleven.


David Mayer de Rothschild (vernoemd naar Mayer Amschel Rothschild, de in 1744 geboren stichter van de internationale bankiersdynastie) is overtuigd milieuactivist sinds hij op jonge leeftijd een reis naar Antarctica maakte. Tot dan toe genoot hij vooral bekendheid als beoefenaar van de paardensport, een traditionele hobby van zijn familie (oudoom Mayer de Rothschild was het eerste Joodse lid van de exclusieve Britse Jockey Club). „Ik re aliseerde me dat er meer te koop is in het leven dan uren en uren op de rug van een paard te zitten,” vertelde David Mayer tegenover de New York Times. In 2006 stak hij in honderd dagen de Noordpool over van Rusland naar Canada. Ook maakte hij deel uit van een team dat een wereldrecord vestigde met de snelste reis over de ijskappen van Groenland. Op 20-jarige leeftijd verkocht De Rothschild zijn muziekmaatschappij en stortte hij zich op campagne voeren ten bate van het milieu. Zo voerde hij actie tegen de grote oliemaatschappijen die met hun boorinstallaties onherstelbare schade aanrichten aan de tropische regenwouden van Ecuador.


Het leverde hem een uitverkiezing op als ‘Young Global Leader’ door het World Economic Forum, een eer die hij deelt met royals als kroonprins Willem-Alexander, prinses Mabel van Oranje, prins Jaime de Bourbon de Parme en de Belgische prinses Mathilde. Het is een teken dat de De Rothschilds er weer toe doen anno 2011, en dat is de laatste honderd jaar wel anders geweest. Terwijl ieder bedrijf weleens een slecht jaar kan hebben, hadden de De Rothschilds een slechte eeuw. Het legendarische familiefortuin – verworven met Afrikaans goud, Russische olie, Birmese edelstenen en een onafzienbare reeks mega-investeringen in onder meer de Russische spoorlijnen – ging voor een groot deel verloren met het aanbreken van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. In Rusland verdween de tsaar – de beste klant van de familie – van het toneel.
Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog verschoof het zwaartepunt van de financiële wereld van Europa naar New York en dat betekende ook het einde van de De Rothschild-hegemonie. Tot overmaat van ramp gingen in de jaren 80 de Franse socialisten onder leiding van Francois Mitterrand over tot nationalisering van de lokale De Rothschild-bank. Waar de De Rothschilds in de 18e en 19e eeuw als bankiers van de machtigen der aarde hadden gefungeerd, waren hun grootste wapenfeiten in de 20ste eeuw de oprichting van Club Med en de door de familie geproduceerde topwijnen als Chateau Lafite en Chateau Mouton, als ook de kosjere wijnen van Israël. Op het persoonlijke vlak kampte de familie met de nodige tragedies. In 1996 verhing de 41-jarige Amschel de Rothschild, net aangewezen als topman van het Britse deel van het familie-imperium, zich in een hotel in New York. Vier jaar later bezweek diens neef Raphael de Rothschild aan de gevolgen van een heroïne-overdosis in de straten van New York. Gesproken werd al over de ‘Rothschildvloek’.

Terug naar de top

Maar het nieuwe millennium kwam ook met nieuwe kansen. Belangrijk wapenfeit was de hereniging van de Franse en de Britse tak van het familie-imperium in 2003. Die fusie moet vooral op het conto worden geschreven van de vader van David Mayer, Sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild (1931). Sir Evelyn, financieel adviseur van koningin Elizabeth II, trad dat jaar terug als hoofd van de N.M. Rothschild-bank in Londen en maakte zo de weg vrij voor een samengaan van de Franse en de Britse takken van het familie-imperium onder leiding van baron David de Rothschild, het hoofd van de Franse tak van de familie. Sir Evelyn doet al evenveel van zich spreken als zijn zoon. ln 2000 scheidde hij van zijn tweede vrouw Victoria Lou Schott (de moeder van David Mayer) om te kunnen trouwen met zijn nieuwe liefde, de Amerikaanse zakenvrouw Lynn Forester, die hij op een Bilderberg-conferentie had leren kennen via zijn vriend Henry Kissinger. De twee trouwden in een Londense synagoge en brachten een nacht van hun huwelijksreis door in het Witte Huis op uitnodiging van de Clintons. Sir Evelyn zwaait onder meer de scepter over het gereputeerde Britse zakenblad The Economist en is nog steeds een zwaargewicht als het gaat om internationale investeringen, onder meer in de snel groeiende Indiase economie.
Vrouwlief Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, zelf verre van onvermogend en een boezemvriendin van Hilary Clinton, doet van zich spreken door haar onverholen kritiek op het presidentschap van Barack Obama. Inmiddels zijn de De Rothschilds weer back on track als mondiale economische grootmacht. De Nederlandse Rabobank kocht aandelen in de Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG, hetgeen zorgde voor verhoogde slagkracht. Met spectaculaire participaties in de ‘booming’ Russische oliebusiness (coming man Nat de Rothschild is dik bevriend met Chelsea-eigenaar Roman Abramovich) kreeg het familiekapitaal een forse impuls.


Maar die rentree op het wereldtoneel zorgt ook voor de heropleving van het virulente antisemitisme dat de van oorsprong Duits- Joodse bankiersfamilie al drie eeuwen achtervolgt. Zo is eco-pionier David Mayer de Rothschild uitgegroeid tot kop-van-jut van tal van antisemitisch angehauchte complottheoretici op het internet. Toen David Mayer poseerde voor de Amerikaanse Men’s Vogue met een riem waarop met enige verbeeldingskracht op het koppel een soort doodshoofdafbeelding te zien was, regende het op de conspiracysites hysterische aantijgingen als zou dit een signaal zijn dat de jonge multimiljardair lid was van het geheime genootschap Skull & Bones. De klassieke nazistische haatcampagnes tegen het ‘Joodse grootkapitaal’ kregen een eigentijdse bewerking binnen de obscuurdere compartimenten van de antiglobalistenbeweging en het resultaat van die giftige cocktail wordt via het wereldwijde web nu uitgestort over de De Rothschilds. De familie koestert haar Joodse wortels en geldt vanouds als grote steunpilaar voor de staat Israël. Niet voor niets is een van de belangrijkste straten in Tel Aviv vernoemd naar het bankiersgeslacht dat zijn eerste stappen zette in het getto van Frankfurt.


Geweigerde Bijdrage :
Oh ja hoor We zijn nog echte holenmensen die helemaal niet weten dat al die natuuractivismen natuurparken en alternatieve hoeken bedoeld zijn om Landen te ontwrichten en over te nemen cq een en ander saboteren en misbruiken want We kunnen vast de rapporten die daar over gaan niet lezen?

Allemaal hele aardige goedbedoelende mensen natuurlijk en zelfs watson van greenpeace is geen terrorist maar bedoeld het alleen maar goed?

Hier heb je er gelijk al een en kun je Me er uit vóórlezen:
Natuurlijk allemaal heel fijn om dat zwaar beschadigde imago ook wát op te poetsen voor de 21ste eeuw  met zulke verhaaltjes...een schip van lege flessen voor een multimiljardair en vechten tegen anderen die óók natuur vernietigen ...(én héél toevallig maar ... ook nog grootste concurrent zijn?)
Nog Wél Méér over die eco boeren :
Natur or Wild life Parks as terroristbase Genocide and terrorweapons...

Sea Shepherd terrorism

The founding of Greenpeace
The most important of the international eco-terror organizations, Greenpeace, was created by the WWF in 1971 in Vancouver, British Columbia, a well-known center of British Intelligence (i.e., British Crown) operations in the Western Hemisphere. 

WWF's eco-terrorist, eco-fascist legions

WWF role model is Cambodia's Pol Pot

WWF - Send Europe back to the Dark Age

The royal plot to splinter Australia

The WWF is out to balkanize and depopulate the Americas

Rwanda-Uganda genocide

"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."
 - Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

This report documents the fact, that for more than thirty years, Prince Philip has personally directed his World Wildlife Fund in genocide against the population of sub-saharan Africa.
  For most of us, that Hitler-like behavior would be grounds to convict the monarchy.
4. Cf. Armin Mohler, Die Konservative Revolution in Deutschland, 1918-1932 (Darmstadt: 1972). The Nazi Party, like Adolf Hitler a creation of the imperial princedom's Thule Society, was but one variety of a populous species known as the "Conservative Revolution." This includes a leading Nazi ideologue of the 1933-45 interval, Martin Heidegger, also Friedrich von Hayek of Mont Pelerin Society notoriety, and also many who fit into the ideological category of Universal Fascism-advocate Michael Ledeen's "neo-conservative" fans of radical "free trade" and socio-economic "chaos theory" today.
Since 1961, Prince Philip has supplied a crucial leading role in heading up this global criminal conspiracy, but he did not originate the underlying policy. That policy we trace immediately to the nineteenth-century Darwin-Huxley circles and their role in creating the Eugenics network which, among its other productions, sponsored the Hitler dictatorship in Germany, and also its satellite, Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood organization.
Prince Philip's role should be seen as continuing that same tradition which produced Hitler earlier, and to carry that criminal tradition to new extremes
Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis (deceased).
Self-proclaimed "head of Venetian intelligence" and heir to one of the most powerful "princely families" of the Holy Roman Empire. The family has extensive land holdings in Bavaria, Portugal, Italy, and Brazil, derived from its role as postmaster of the Hapsburg Empire. His father, Max, founded Hitler's Allgemeine SS and headquartered it at the family's Regensburg Castle in Bavaria.
We present to you here the evidence, that for the past thirty-four years, since its founding in 1961, a wicked organization, calling itself by such names as the World Wildlife Fund, has engaged in willful genocide against the nations and peoples of the sub-Sahara regions of East, West, and South Africa.
We shall prove to you, that throughout all of this period, the "kingpin" of this criminal conspiracy has been Prince Philip, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh, and as Consort to the reigning Queen of the United Kingdom.

We show you here, from his own public utterances, that not only has Prince Philip been the titular head of this criminal conspiracy.
You will discover that he has played this role with full consciousness of the criminal intent of his organization's policies. We show you here, that he has repeatedly stated his desire to bring about the deaths of countless millions of people, to which monstrous crime he has professed to have been driven by the same quality of motive which impelled the Conservative Revolution's Adolf Hitler:4 to the purpose of drastically reducing certain human populations of this planet.
We show you here the evidence, that he has advocated the policies by means of which this genocide, including that ongoing in Rwanda, has been brought about, In Her Majesty's Service, through concerted action of the World Wildlife Fund and British Crown. 

The crime documented in this report is by far the greatest crime perpetrated in all human history: the assured destruction of all civilized human life on this planet, and perhaps, possibly, also a set of wicked actions leading to the extinction of the human species.
Since 1961, Prince Philip has supplied a crucial leading role in heading up this global criminal conspiracy, but he did not originate the underlying policy. That policy we trace immediately to the nineteenth-century Darwin-Huxley circles and their role in creating the Eugenics network which, among its other productions, sponsored the Hitler dictatorship in Germany, and also its satellite, Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood organization.
Prince Philip's role should be seen as continuing that same tradition which produced Hitler earlier, and to carry that criminal tradition to new extremes, of which some television fans might say,

The Trial Begins
Prince Philip's Allgemeine SS
by Jeffrey Steinberg

Most citizens of the Americas believe that Queen Elizabeth II is a figurehead with virtually no political or financial power.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
As the present head of the Windsor Dynasty, she is the sole sovereign head of state of the United Kingdom and 16 other states, and also exerts more subtle but equally deadly authority over the other 33 nations of the British Commonwealth.
The Royal Family Tree
But the power of the House of Windsor also derives from Queen Elizabeth IPs status as the "chief executive officer" of an informal body known to some as the Club of the Isles, which combines the political and financial clout of a far more extensive combine of intermarried European royal and princely families that extends from Scandinavia to Greece.
Prince Philip's Allqemeine SS
The estimated combined financial worth of the Club of the Isles is greater than $1 trillion and the holdings in which the club has controlling interest are believed to exceed $9 trillion.
The world petroleum supply is dominated by the British royal household, as is much of the world's supply of precious metals and raw materials, through such "Crown jewels" as Rio Tinto Zinc, Lonrho, and DeBeers Anglo American Corp.

Who's who in Prince Philip's Allgemeine SS

The numbers below refer to Figure 2:
  1. Club of the Isles/House of Windsor:
    Through the Club of the Isles (see p. 9), the Windsor Dynasty functions as primus inter pares for an extended royal family that claims the thrones of Russia, Prussia, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, and scores of smaller principalities.

  2. Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, Baron Greenwich, Earl of Merioneth, Duke of Edinburgh:
    Royal Consort to Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip founded the World Wildlife Fund in 1961, became its International President in 1981. Former president, Zoological Society London (ZSL). See p. 20 for selected quotes from his writings.

  3. Zoological Society of London
    Founded in 1826 by Sir Stamford Raffles, former Viceroy of India and founder of Singapore. Inspired the New York and Frankfurt Zoological Societies. Mother organization of the London Zoo. Royal Geographical Society (RGS).

    Founded in 1830 as the Geographical Society of London; Royal Charter in 1859. Sponsored major colonial expeditions such as Livingstone's and Sir Richard Burton's into Africa. The boards of the ZSL and RGS are almost indistinguishable from that of the WWF; Prince Philip was president of the ZSL in the 1970s.

    The ZSL and RGS stand at the pinnacle of the British intelligence establishment. The ZSL's recent chief executives: Julian Huxley, 1935-42; Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, Senior Chief of Staff for the U.K., 1950-54; Lord Solly Zuckerman, U.K. Government Chief Scientific Adviser, 1955-84; Sir Frank Chappell, the former General Commanding Officer (GOC) of the British Army, present director, member of WWF-U.K.

    The ZSL and RGS share the WWF's eugenics ideology, and the Darwin-Huxley tribe is omnipresent in both. Eugenics "founder" Sir Francis Galton was a major mid-19th century power in the RGS. Michael Huxley, Julian's cousin, founded its Geographical Magazine. RGS officials together with the WWF's Sir Peter Scott founded Survival International.

  4. RTZ, Shell, Lonrho, ICI, Unilever, DeBeers, AAC:
    See pp. 15-16.

  5. The Fauna and Flora Preservation Society
    Founded in 1903 as the Society for the Preservation of the Wild Fauna of the Empire. Second oldest British conservation organization after the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (1889).
    Has a panel of 108 "honorary overseas consultants" in 70 countries. Maintains liaisons with most other key conservation bodies. Mother organization, with the Eugenics Society, of the IUCN and the WWF. Housed since its founding in the London Zoo. Patron: Her Majesty the Queen.

    "The Fauna" was founded as an arm of British imperial policy under the guise of "conservation." Its founding vicepresidents, Lords Milner, Grey, Cromer, Curzon, and Minto, were all imperial proconsuls, chiefly in India and Africa.
    As Sir Peter Scott, FFPS chairman for most of the three decades from the 1960s until his death in 1989, noted in his history of the Fauna:
    • "Since the Empire at that time covered about a quarter of the surface of the globe, it was a fair start on internationalizing the infant wildlife conservation movement."
    Chief aim of FFPS was to expand the national park system worldwide. It convened international conferences in 1933, 1938, and 1953 to plan new national parks. Its secretary, Colonel Stevenson-Hamilton, established the Kruger National Park in South Africa. The architect of the Kenyan National Park system, Col. Mervyn Cowie, is still an FFPS board member today.

    FFPS personnel have dominated the WWF and the IUCN since their founding, frequently chairing the IUCN's two key committees, the Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas; and the Survival Service Commission, concerned with WWF-style "species preservation," chaired for almost two decades starting in 1963 by Peter Scott.

  6. The Nature Conservancy
    Founded by Royal charter inl949.0ne of the U.K.'s four official research bodies under the Privy Council. Known as the "world's first statutory conservation body," it became one of the most powerful postwar covert operations of the Crown.

    From his influential post as permanent secretary to the Lord President of the Council (the deputy prime minister), Max Nicholson wrote the legislation for the Conservancy, then left his government post to head it, 1952-66. Nicholson personally developed most of the major strategies and tactics of the world environmentalist movement for the next decades.

    He started the campaign against DDT later popularized by Rachel Carson in The Silent Spring; drafted the constitution for the IUCN; set up and chaired the committee which established the WWF in 1961; and chose Sir Peter Scott as the WWF's first chairman, who held the post for over two decades.

    The subtitle to his 1970 history of the postwar environmental movement is "A Guide for the New Masters of the Earth."

    • IUCN:
      The Swiss-based International Union for the Conservation of Nature was formed in 1948 by Sir Julian Huxley; its constitution was written by the British Foreign Office. Bringing together 68 nations, 103 government agencies, and 640 non-governmental organizations, the IUCN is nominally tied to the United Nations, but is outside of its oversight.

      The WWF was originally formed to fund the IUCN; many of the IUCN's key commissions are run by the Fauna Preservation Society. Together with the UNEP and the World Resources Institute, the IUCN launched the "Global Biodiversity Strategy," which guides the conservation planning of many nations.

      Its staff directly plan the conservation strategies and administer the national parks systems of many former colonies today. It sees the preservation of "biodiversity" as its main mission.

      The IUCN president is Sir Shridath Ramphal, the former Secretary General of the British Commonwealth 1975-90; its director general, Martin Holdgate, was a senior official of the United Kingdom's Department of the Environment.
    • UNESCO:
      The United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, is a Paris-based specialized U.N. organization that was designed by Sir Julian Huxley, who also was its first director general. In his founding 1946 document, Huxley defines Unesco's two main aims as popularizing the need for eugenics, and protecting wildlife through the creation of national parks, especially in Africa. With a $550 million annual budget, Unesco funds a vast network of conservation groups; it defines protection of the environment as one of its three main goals.
    • UNEP:
      The United Nations Environment Program was formed at the 1972 U.N. Conference on the Environment, which was organized by WWF founder Maurice Strong.

      Based in Kenya, the UNEP works closely with Unesco, the IUCN, and the WWF in diverse ventures. Its World Conservation Monitoring Center in Cambridge, England, jointly sponsored with the IUCN and the WWF, is the central intelligence agency of the conservation movement.

  8. World Wildlife Fund (Since 1987, World Wide Fund for Nature):
    See p. 18 far below.

  9. 1001 Club:
    See p. 19 far below.

  10. World Resources Institute:
    Founded in 1982 under the guidance of WWF U.S.A. president Russell E. Train with generous grants from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the MacArthur Foundation. James Gustave Speth was appointed president. Speth was a cofounder of the Natural Resources Defense Council and formerly the chairman of the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality and the director of the Global 2000 project.
    After 11 years at WRI Speth was made head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 1993. WRI is the main think-tank for U.S. environmental groups, putting forward study after study promoting the new world order and the global biodiversity strategy. WRI is affiliated with the Internationallnstitute for Environment and Development in London, formerly headed by Lady Jackson (Barbara Ward).

  11. Goldsmith/The Ecologist:
    Sir James Goldsmith and his older brother Edward are leading financiers of the WWF apparatus globally. Along with John Aspinall, major funders of Survival International and Friends of the Earth. In 1970, Edward Goldsmith founded The Ecologist, magazine of the radical wing of the green movement. Edward also launched the Green Party movement in the U.K. which spawned Green parties in every European Community state.

  12. Sierra Club:
    The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 by preservationist John Muir with funding from the famous robber baron E.H. Harriman. Mostly an outing club until the 1950s, the Sierra Club became a radical environmental lobbying organization under the leadership of David Brower. In 1969, Brower left Sierra Club to create the more radical Friends of the Earth. Later on he also founded the Earth Island Institute.
    Michael McCloskey replaced Brower and proceeded to refocus the Sierra Club into an organization dedicated to preventing all commercial uses of public lands in the United States. In 1971, leaders of the Sierra Club in Canada created Greenpeace. In 1979, the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society gave David Foreman a 10-year contract to create and lead an overtly terrorist environmental organization. That organization became Earth First!

  13. Greenpeace:
    Founded in 1971 out of the Don't Make a Wave Committee, to coopt drug-rock-sex counterculture victims into WWF-sponsored "direct action." Now has branches in 24 countries, with headquarters in The Netherlands and an annual budget of $157 million. Spawned ecoterrorist groups Sea Shepherd, Lynx, Animal Liberation Front, and Earth First!
    Current director is Lord Peter Melchett, heir to the Imperial Chemical Industries fortune. Behind-the-scenes operator from early years is David McTaggart, Canadian confidence man, who received funding from WWF Executive Director Sir Peter Scott to purchase ships to assault nuclear test ranges, whaling fleets, and seal hunters.

  14. Friends of the Earth:
    Founded in 1969 by David Ross Brower, former executive director of Sierra Club. In 1990, merged with Environmental Policy Institute and Oceanic Society and obtained tax-exempt status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Moved into England in 1970, with financing from the Goldsmith and Rothschild interests and John Aspinall.
    Engages in direct action and other activities particularly targeting nuclear power plants. Director of FOE U.K. during the 1980s was Jonathan Porritt, son of ex-governor general of New Zealand. Founder of FOE France, Brice LaLonde was later appointed President Francois Mitterrand' s environmental minister. FOE, like Greenpeace, deployed personnel to found Earth First!

  1. MAP 1
    The British Commonwealth

  2. Survival International:
    Founded in London in 1969 with sponsorship of WWF chairman Sir Peter Scott to provide funding to "help tribal peoples protect their lands, environment and way of life." Originally named Primitive Peoples Fund. Continues close collaboration with WWF and the Royal Geographic Society.
    Other founding members include: Edward Goldsmith, John Aspinall, Nicolas Guppy, Francis Huxley, and Royal Geographic Society director John Hemming. South American Indians, particularly Yanomami, were initial targets of SI operations. In 1972, spawned Cultural Survival, headed by British anthropologist David Maybury-Lewis and chaired by Queen Margarethe of Denmark.

  3. Environmental Investigative Agency:
    London-headquartered private eye unit spawned out of Greenpeace U.K. Founder is Allan Thornton, an early leader of Greenpeace. Financed by Animal Welfare Institute and other WWF fronts to conduct "muckraking" investigations into environmental abuses.

  4. Sea Shepherd, Lynx, Earth First!, Rainforest Action Network.
    See p. 55.

WWF's global outreach

Prince Philip's Corporate SS
by Anthony K. Wikrent and Allen Douglas

The modern multinationals typified by Royal Dutch Shell, Unilever, and RTZ, which have done so much to strangle Africa and the rest of the world in the postwar period, are merely the modern, slightly disguised form of the Crown-chartered "merchant adventurer" companies of Elizabethan England and later.

Like their often Venetian-sponsored Elizabethan predecessors , some of which merged to become the British East India Company in the late sixteenth century, they are granted a "royal charter" to operate globally on behalf of the Crown and its associated families. The Anglo-Dutch firm Royal Dutch Shell, for instance, so prominent in Africa and in the World Wide Fund for Nature, dates from the financial arrangements established when William of the Dutch house of Orange took the British throne in 1688, with Venetian backing.

When Africa was colonized by the European powers in the 1880s and 1890s, that process, too, was under charter from the Crown, to such companies as the Royal Niger Company, the British East Africa Company, and Cecil Rhodes's British South Africa Company.
Today's WWF backers, particularly its "Africa division" listed below, as well as those in the flow chart on the following page, are the direct descendants of these late-nineteenth-century Crown companies, if not earlier ones, like Shell.
Tiny Rowland's Lonrho Corp. is typical: As of 1990 the employer of over 100,000 people in Africa, it is the continent's major private food producer, and a powerhouse in precious metals.

In 1961, at the time Lonrho was vastly upgraded in order to subvert and destroy the emerging independent African nations, it was a subsidiary of Cecil Rhodes's still-existing British South Africa Company. And, as EIR has documented in its 1992 book, Tiny Rowland: The Ugly Face of Neocolonialism in Africa, the money and connections to launch this new British East India Co. for Africa came from City of London financier Harley Drayton and his 117 Old Broad Street Group, Crown Agents for the colonies and the managers of the private fortune of the queen.
Drayton's longtime personal assistant was the Scottish aristocrat Angus Ogilvy, whose wife, Princess Alexandra of Kent, is presently the head of WWF-U.K.

From 1961 on, Rowland was the chief financier for the gangs whose genocidal wars have devastated Africa. He often financed both sides of a struggle at the same time, beginning with the Ian Smith regime in Rhodesia and its black opposition around Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe, continuing into his financing both the Frelimo government and its Renamo opposition in Mozambique, and both the MPLA government and its Unita opposition in Angola.

The queen is the world's wealthiest woman, with an acknowledged fortune of $ 13 billion (Harpers and Queen magazine, January 1991). In reality it is far greater, but she is exempt from having to disclose her holdings.
The following entities, with major assets particularly in Africa, are politically directed by, and often substantially owned by, the Crown:
  • RTZ Corp. PLC.
    Second-largest mining firm in the world. Established in 1873 by Hugh Matheson of the Jardine Matheson opium-trading firm. RTZ's third chairman, Sir Auckland Geddes, worked with Sir Ernest Oppenheimer to reorganize control of raw materials production in Africa in the 1920s and 1930s.
  • Anglo-American Corp. of South Africa, Ltd.
    Largest mining firm in the world; dominates the economy of South Africa. Constitutes, together with the two De Beers companies, the Oppenheimer empire. The Rothschilds and J.P. Morgan and Co. provided Sir Ernest Oppenheimer the financing to cartelize diamond and gold production in South Africa between 1902 and 1929.
  • De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. (South Africa) and De Beers Centenary AG (Switzerland).
    Control world diamond production. Established by Cecil Rhodes in 1880; by 1888, with Rothschild backing, controlled 90% of the world's diamond production. ,.
  • Barclays PLC.
    Major banking power in Africa. Tightly controlled by the Barclay, Freame, Bevan, and Buxton families, the latter of which co-founded the WWF.
  • Shell Trading & Transport PLC and Shell U.K. Ltd.
    World's largest petrochemical producer. ST&f, a British holding company, owns 40% of the Royal Dutch Shell group of over 2,000 companies worldwide (the other 60% i^ owned by Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.); forged by Sir Henri Deterding in 1903 with the French Rothschilds.
  • N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd.
    Founded in 1803 with the assistance of the Thurn und Taxis family, one of the "princely families" of the Hapsburg Empire, originally the Venetian Torre e Tasso family. NMR&S historically financed the expansion of the Venetian-modeled British Empire, as they did by bankrolling Cecil Rhodes's gold and diamonds empire.
  • Imperial Chemical Industries PLC.
    Key part of world chemical cartel. Formed in 1926 by Lord Melchett and others by merging the four largest British chemical firms. The present Lord Melchett, grandson of ICI's founder, is head of Greenpeace, United Kingdom.
  • Unilever.
    Owns vast plantations in Africa and the continent's largest trading company (United Africa Co.); key part of the world food cartel, particularly in fats and edible oils. Formed by 1930s strategic merger of English Lever Brothers firm, which owned the West African heirs to the Royal Niger Co, with a Dutch company.
Fig. 4
Prince Philip's Corporate SS

The '1001 Club' - a nature trust
by Scott Thompson

Membership in the "1001 Club," founded in 1971 by Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, consort to Queen Juliana of the House of Orange, is restricted to 1,001 persons at any given time and is by invitation only.
All members pay a $10,000 initiation fee which goes toward a $10 million trust to bankroll World Wildlife Fund operations. The club donated an office building in Gland, Switzerland, which currently houses the international headquarters of the WWF and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Initial members were handpicked by Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Membership includes representatives of the royal houses of Europe, officials of British Crown corporations, and prominent figures in international organized crime.
Below is a sample of current and past members with brief biographical data.
  • Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
    Born in 1912, Bernhard is cousin-in-law of Kaiser Wilhelm's sister, Princess Victoria of Hohenzollern.
    In 1934, at the University of Berlin, Bernhard was recruited to Nazi intelligence and eventually assigned to IG Farben (the chemical giant which maintained business links to Britain's Imperial Chemical Industries throughout the war and produced Zyklon-B gas for the gas chambers).
    Because of his Nazi links, Bernhard's marriage to Queen Juliana of the House of Orange created a scandal in the Netherlands.

    Bernhard founded the Bilderberg Society in 1953. Bilderberg sponsors annual secret meeting of North American and European "one world" elites. Bernhard co-founded the WWF in 1961. In 1976, he was caught taking a $1.1 million bribe from Lockheed Corp. He resigned as head of Bilderberg, and from the WWF-International and 1001 Club.
    But he remains a dominant behind-the-scenes figure in all three.

  • Prince Henrik.
    President of WWF-Denmark. Prince Juan Carlos. Founder and president of honor of WWF-Spain. He later became King Juan Carlos.

  • Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan.
    Given the title of His Highness by Queen Elizabeth II in 1957 when editor of Paris Review, a publication co-founded by John Train (see box p. 19).

  • Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis (deceased).
    Self-proclaimed "head of Venetian intelligence" and heir to one of the most powerful "princely families" of the Holy Roman Empire. The family has extensive land holdings in Bavaria, Portugal, Italy, and Brazil, derived from its role as postmaster of the Hapsburg Empire. His father, Max, founded Hitler's Allgemeine SS and headquartered it at the family's Regensburg Castle in Bavaria.

  • Bertolt Beitz.
    Director of the Alfred Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. Beitz ran a successful takeover of Krupp Industries in 1953.

  • Conrad Black.
    Chairman and CEO of the Hollinger Corp., a media conglomerate with major newspapers in Britain, Canada, the United States, Israel, and Australia. Originally called Argus Corp., a postwar restructuring of the wartime British intelligence front company War Supplies, Ltd., Hollinger is the leading press organ of the House of Windsor and recently led the propaganda campaign against U.S. President Bill Clinton.

  • Baron Aubrey Buxton of Alsa.
    Life Peer. Vice president of the World Wildlife Fund-U.K. under Prince Philip. The Buxton family has run Barclays Bank.

  • Peter Cadbury.
    Chairman, Preston Publications Ltd.; chairman, George Cadbury Trust. Family's chocolate interests dominate the economies of West Africa.

  • Dr. Luc Hoffman.
    Vice president of WWF-International and of the IUCN (1966-69); director of Hoffman-LaRoche, the Swiss pharmaceutical firm.

  • Alexander King.
    Co-founder in 1968 of the Club of Rome with Aurelio Peccei. Responsible for the club's book Limits to Growth, which led a revival of the malthusian argument for drastic reduction of world population.

  • Jonkheer John H. Loudon.
    Knighthoods from the British and Dutch royal families. Bemhard's handpicked successor in 1977 to become international president of the World Wide Fund for Nature. Former CEO of the Royal Dutch Shell Group; chairman of Shell Oil Co. until 1976.

  • Sir Peter Scott.
    Knight of the British Empire (deceased). Chairman, World Wide Fund for Nature since its inception as the WWF-I in 1961; chairman, Survival Service Commission of the IUCN since 1963; founder of the Wildfowl Trust at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire in 1964.



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